Travel Tips That Will Take the Headache Out of Your Next Business Trip

Business travel can be stressful. However, if you plan ahead, you can save yourself a lot of unnecessary stress. Here are some tips to make your next business trip go smoothly.


Try to pack two business-professional outfits unless you know things are very casual at your destination. Work with dark colors for easy combinations and stick to sensible shoes to avoid pain and injury. Nest things together to avoid wrinkles and damage and make sure to wrap your shoes in a kitchen trash bag. The trash bag can also be used to stash dirty clothes on the way home. Be sure to hang everything up as soon as you get to the hotel. If you have anything that’s wrinkled, hang it up in the bathroom and when you shower, the steam will cause the wrinkles to relax.


Few things can mess up a business trip like a glitch at the rental car counter. Driving in an unfamiliar city can also be troubling. Make sure to keep your phone charged up on the plane so you can easily access your driving direction assistant. Throughout the trip, try to keep some flex in your schedule. Plan lots of extra time to get to places, especially important ones, in case problems arise on the way. If you have long stretches of driving, don’t let the fuel get below 1/4 tank just in case the sensor isn’t as accurate as you’d like. Note gas stations close to the rental drop-off site to save yourself extra fees.

Stay Hydrated

Airplane bathrooms are not comfortable and airport bathrooms can be very busy. However, dehydration while flying is very hard on your body and can cause serious health issues, as well as cause literal headaches. Carry a clear, empty water bottle in your carry-on and fill it as soon as you get to the airport. While you’re waiting for your connection or collecting your bag, get rehydrated. You don’t want to be battling a dehydration headache or dry mouth when you meet your business contact.

Business travel can be enjoyable if you’re excited to connect on the other end and you allow yourself plenty of time. Overloading your schedule, not allowing time for connections, and pushing yourself too hard without access to plenty of water and healthy food can make your trip miserable. Take care of yourself and be diligent about building downtime in your schedule.

For more ways to keep your travel plans hassle-free, read on, here!
