8 Ways to Preserve Your Phone Battery When Traveling

What happens when your phone dies while you’re globetrotting?  Panic sets in and you probably get antsy and start to frantically search for an outlet or battery pack.  Phones are lifelines for most of us and if you’re like me —I am lost without my phone.  If you are worried that you will lose your phone juice when you’re out and about, you should keep these 8 phone battery saving tips in mind.

Switch to Airplane Mode (even when you’re not on the plane)

Have you noticed your battery draining more when you’re traveling?  That’s because when you’re traveling internationally or in more remote areas, your phone is working hard to keep you connected even if you don’t want to be. No matter where you are, your phone is always searching for a signal. And even after your phone has found a signal, it will keep churning until it finds a better one.  To try and prolong your battery life, turn on airplane mode even when you’re not on a plane to disable your cellular service and stop the signal searching. You can also, before you travel (especially if you’re going abroad), add a phone plan with free roaming, data, texting, and flat-rate calling.

Turn off Location Services

If you don’t need to find a restaurant or a nearby café, turn off location services.  You don’t need for Google Maps to find where you are and instantly drop those convenient location pins.  Unless using this app is more important than saving your battery life, it might be worth it to turn this app off anf only turn it on when you need it.  Other battery zappers that you might want to turn off until you need them are the GPS, AirDrop on iPhones, Bluetooth and Wi-Fi which are all technologies that work by pinging mobile networks resulting to your battery draining each time your smartphone pings the network.

 Adjust your screen brightness

Reduce your phone’s brightness to as low as your eyesight can manage or you can always put it on auto-adjust so it automatically adjusts to save power.  If you don’t know this already— your phone’s display screen is what consumes the most of your battery.  The brightness can make a tremendous difference in battery life.  New phone devices have OLED (Organic Light Emitting Diodes) display screens that shows better colors and true black.  In order to display the true black, the pixels turn completely off which decreases the screen’s battery consumption.  If you have a newer phone, use the true black backgrounds for both the home screen and lock screen.  Also turn on dark themes whenever possible to decrease your battery use while within the different apps.  If you like to use your phone at night, the dimmer light is also less likely to disrupt your sleep cycle.

Download Apps and Content Before Your Trip

Some airports have ample outlets that you can use to charge your phone while at the airport when you wait for your flight to depart or when you’re stuck because your flight was delayed or canceled.  Downloading a new app or a movie that you can watch while you’re in the air or to entertain you while you wait at the airport for your flight to leave can drain your battery big time.  If you want to make sure that you have that movie or TV show that you want to watch or a certain game you want to play— download before you leave home so you can access them offline without an internet connection and draining your battery

Avoid Extreme Temperatures

Have you noticed your battery life diminishing when you’re in a colder place?  Temperature affects not only your phone battery life but also affects the battery performance.  An Apple device performs best in temperatures from 62-72 degrees Fahrenheit.  If you pay attention your battery may not charge beyond 80 percent in hotter conditions.  When temperature is higher than 95 degrees, the battery capacity can permanently be damaged.

If you are in cold conditions keep your phone warm by placing it in a pocket near your body.  When in extreme heat, keep your phone in the shade or out of direct sunlight or even better—leave it in your air-conditioned hotel room!

Customize your Apps and Notifications Prior to Traveling

Turn off auto update and some of the notifications you get from social apps so you don’t get a bunch of notifications all at once when you connect to a Wi-Fi. When apps automatically start to update and refresh at the same time when you connect to a Wi-Fi network, all this does is eat up your battery.  It is also draining your battery when your apps frequently wake up your display screen with notifications.

Refresh your apps only when you open them manually by going to your notification settings to turn off alerts and automatic downloads in settings.

Stop Fetching and Refreshing

Guess what social media apps are the biggest battery killers?  You’re right If you guessed Facebook and Twitter.  These two social media apps are constantly refreshing and even when they are not in use they are updating so up to the minute info is available when you open the app.  Unfortunately this means draining your battery.

When you go to your iPhone battery setting, you’ll see what apps are running in the background.  Go to your general settings and turn off “background app refresh” for these running apps, On other phones go to settings then apps and select specific apps to change the battery optimization and background activity.  You can also choose to fetch data manually or less frequently on your email app.

Enable Low Power/Battery Saver Mode

Did you get a message from your phone that your battery level has reached 20 or 10 percent and an option for you to activate low power mode or battery saver mode is now available?  Some phones send you this notification for a quick one-stop fix, turning off non-essential features to stretch your battery life.  If your phone does not give you this option, you can go to your battery settings and manually turn the battery saver on.  This will dim the display brightness, reduce some visual effects, stops automatic email fetching and will completely disable some features like AirDrop and iCloud sync on iPhones.


How to Preserve Your Phone Battery When Traveling by linnoregonzales on Jumprope.
